Look for the Stafford Tarot table where I will be offering free one card impression pulls to anyone interested while I am between private sessions. I'm very much excited to be included in the Sunday Markets at Stone Road Mall, in Guelph On. The dates that I will be appearing in the market are as follows:
Sunday July 16th, 2023 10 am until 5 PM EST
Sunday July 23rd, 2023 10 AM until 5 PM EST
Sunday July 30th, 2023 10 AM until 5 PM EST
At Stone Road Mall, they love seeing our community's passion for shopping locally! Stone Road Mall is hosting a series of weekly Sunday Markets in the heart of Stone Road Mall featuring artisans, makers and small business owners!
Join us from 10 am - 5 pm on Sundays where you will have the opportunity to shop our vendors on top of enjoying all our mall's regular offerings!
Looking forward to seeing everyone there!