This full moon sits in Libra and is a subtle but special lunar eclipse which may bring with it a deep emotional exploration of charm, love, beauty, and peace. The eclipses also brings empowerment of all the moon phases into one brief moment. This makes for an amazing time to read s book, start something new, or getting projects off the ground, or doing shadow work to discover yourself again, etc. Priortize the people that you love most. You may know better how you feel in time. Be in your heart and not all in your head. You may need to be more grounded, and less frivolous. A calming or joyful melody can help to change your mood. There may be healing required. Allow the music and natural surroundings of nature to heal you. Find ways to express yourself more fully. Feel joy! New beginnings may be on the horizon. Communication is key.

The Full Crow Moon Oracle Pull - Monday March 25th, 2024