Reading Associations
Are you curious where I draw my messages from during tarot readings or during rune readings? Or, perhaps you are interested in learning to do these types of readings yourself? If so, I wanted to share with you the associations that I use to begin reading from tarot spreads or rune castings. Then allowing intuition to guide fine-tuning the messages of each card according to the energy of the quarrent.
It is important to understand that the interpretations of the meanings of each tarot card or rune will change slightly according to its spread/layout position and also, whether it has been placed right side up, sideways or reversed will further refine the message from the reading.
Tarot readings:
The Cards
For the following, these are general associations according to Rider Waite symbolism.
Card Suites
The Quarrent - Spirit, Within, subject or question
Pentacles or coins - Earth, North, money and achievement
Swords or blades - Air, East, intellect and decision
Wands or rods - Fire, South, and action
Cups or chalices- Water, West, and emotion
Higher Arcana
0 The Fool - a fresh start or leap of faith
I The Magician - power, skill
II The High Priest(ess) - intuition, higher wisdom
III The Empress - fertility, abundance, creativity
IV The Emperor - authority
V The Heirophant - religion, group identity
VI The Lovers - union, binders
VII The Chariot - victory, assertion, momentum
VIII Strength - cottage, self control
IX The Hermit - solitude, soul searching
X The Wheel of Fortune - Karma, turning a cycle
XI Justice - fairness, cause and effect
XII The Hanged Man - letting go, suspension
XIII Death - endings, beginnings
IXV Temperance - balance, healing
XV The Devil - bondage, restriction
XVI The Tower - sudden change
XVII The Star - hope, spiritual, guidance
XVIII The Moon - illusion, Merry, dreams
IXX The Sun - success, vitality, youth
XX Judgement - Inner Calling
XXI The World - completion, accomplishment
Page - messages, enthusiasm, synchronicity, curiosity, youth
Knight - motion, passion, romance, haste, adolescence
Queen - creativity, vibrancy, nurturing, astute, women
King - vision, emotional self control, truth, man
Lower Arcana
Pentacles / coins
I prosperity
II balance
III teamwork
IV budgeting
V poverty
VI charity / giving
VII making investment
VIII patience
IX independent wealth
X culmination, ancestry
Wands / rods
I inspiration
II choice
III foresight
IV community
V conflict
VI recognition
VII standing your ground
VIII travel / news
IX resilience
X burden
Swords / blades
I clarity
II decision
III pain
IV rest
V defeat
VI transition
VII making a break for it
VIII isolation
IX anxiety
X endings/ defeat
Cups / chalices
I intimacy
II love
III friendship
IV apathy
V loss
VI youth
VII dreams / fantasy
VIII moving on
IX fulfillment
X marriage / happy home
Positions from spreads used
Many come to pass
Will come to pass
Family opinion