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Stafford Tarot Intuitive Readings in Guelph Ontario and Surrounding Areas

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Bryan Stafford, Intuitive Reader from Stafford Tarot located in Guelph ON, Canada.

Offering Intuitive Readings

"Hi, I'm Bryan. For decades I have felt pulled towards or drawn to the path of a light worker. At the age of twelve, I was gifted my first tarot deck. With my experiences from my personal readings giving private sessions, I have been offering private intuitive tarot readings in-person or remotely through video calls. This has felt hugely rewarding for me to help others in this way by offering some clarity, gained insight or new perspectives, and watch the finding of peace, resolve and/or closure.  Are you interested in receiving a reading for yourself? If so, send a request or please feel free to ask questions." - Bryan Stafford. 

Call:  5 1 9 - 8 3 5 - 1 7 4 9

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"he is excellent, quiet accurate, understands human emotions and advises in a manner that can help effectuate positive changes. he is easily the best tarot card reader one can hope to meet..I love his readings.... thank you so much sir for reading."

                                           - Abdul G.

Stafford Tarot Intuitive Readings in Guelph Ontario and surrounding areas

Thank you for coming! 

The purpose of this website is to provide information about myself and my background.  I try to assist anyone who would like to learn Intuitive Tarot for themselves by including blog entries with helpful suggestions, reading tips, and more.  You can also find (below) details on locations of events and about the services that I offer.
Questions and comments are always welcome.  ~Enjoy your visit!

Tarot Talk Live

Recent LIVE Broadcast event

This was the recorded live broadcast on Tuesday January 14th, 2025 of Stafford Tarot with Bryan Stafford, Intuitive Reader sharing information about tarot readings, talking about what's new at Stafford Tarot, discusses the Tarot Topic "Full Year Forecast", and then offered short readings to the first six participants who attended the broadcast and showed interest in the chat during.  Please join the next online live event where the Tarot Talk topic will be about "Conjoint Couple Readings" which will take place on Tuesday February 11th, 2025 starts 8 PM EST) at    

Multi-Dimensional Discussions


Keep watch for new episodes, coming soon:

Bryan Stafford, Trans-Dimensional Tarot Reader from invites you to join him in a variety of intuitive-based conversations.  With special guests join in interesting discussions on a variety of divinatory related topics in the new Multi-Dimensional Discussions - A Tarot Talk podcast


Stafford Tarot was featured on the Professional Podcast Network

Stafford Tarot can also be found on...

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Stafford Tarot Intuitive Readings in Guelph Ontario and surrounding areas

The Reading Suggestions Blog

Once I created my website, I then had the perfect platform to share personal information about myself and what it is that I do with others in a blog style format. I can also now share links to this information instead of repeating it in chat conversations, or copy/paste information to many that often ask for my advice or seek my help to learn tarot. I'm excited about the opportunity which this blog gives me to reach out to more and divide my time more evenly for those requesting mentorship.

Upcoming Public Events

...& there's more to come!
So, check back again soon.





  Celebrating over 10,000+ views!!! 

Stafford Tarot proudly sponsors which pages and blogs entries have recently surpassed 10,000+ combined views!  

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Every Wednesday Online!


Virtual Gathering (Every Wednesday)


Hosted by:

Sponsored by:

Stafford Tarot

Wed. Feb. 12th, 2025




Mystical Witches Night Market


Hosted by: 

Luna Events Canada

Fri. Feb. 28th, 2025

6 PM - 10 PM ET







Group Event opportunities 



Whether you're planning a private gathering, a personal party, or a corporate event, I offer group sessions and workshops for most occasions!


Every Monday & Thursday:

497 Woolwich St. Guelph ON

at: Soul Intention

(Every Thursday)


Bryan Stafford will be available for in person readings as well as giving free one card impression pulls!

Thurs. Feb. 13th, 2025

11 AM - 5 PM EDT


Upcoming Future Markets:


Upcoming Markets!


Hosted by: Luna Events Canada


Look for the Stafford Tarot Table


February to June 2025! 

...and more to come!

Tarot Talk Live Event with Bryan Stafford from Stafford Tarot Intuitive Readings

Monthly Online Live Event:

Tarot Talk

Live Event



Tues. Feb. 11th, 2025

Starts 8 PM EDT

Red love heart on hearts

Get a couples reading

on Valentines Day!



At Soul Intention

497 Woolwich St. Guelph ON


Conjoint Couple sessions available!


Connect with your love through the insight of a conjoint reading session together!

Great for a Valentines Gift!


Upcoming Future Event:


Witches Gathering Conference



Event Dates:

Fri. May 2nd, 2024 &

Sat. May 3rd, 2024

Full Moon and New Moon Oracle Pulls at Stafford Tarot

   Bi-Weekly Online Event:

Moon Oracle Card Pull


By Bryan Stafford at

Full Moon: Feb. 12th, 2025

New Moon: Feb. 27th, 2025

Monthly Free Draws by Bryan Stafford to receive a free remote short tarot reading.  Good Luck!!!

Register for free for a chance to win:


Free Draw!


For a chance to win a free remote 15 min short tarot reading!

Mon. Feb. 17th, 2025

Until 10 AM EST

Tarot Reading

Upcoming Future Event:


Learn Self Tarot

Online Workshop 


Hosted by:​ Stafford Tarot

Early-bird fee until Apr. 21st!

Event Date: Fri. May 16th, 2024

Starts at 8 PM EST

Below are some of the upcoming online or in-person events which you are welcome to attend or join:

Stafford Tarot Intuitive Readings in Guelph Ontario and surrounding areas


 to the lucky winners of the most recent draws to remotely receive a free intuitive tarot reading via a video chat platform.

Thank you to everyone who showed interest.

These free draws are currently being held monthly. So, keep watch in the homepage announcements (above), or visit the event announcements in the blog for upcoming dates. 

G o o d L u c k ! ! !

 New - Products:

Intuitive Reading

Enclosed in each envelope, you will find personal intuitive reading messages just for you that are based on the tarot and oracle cards included. Also added are details about each of the decks that the cards originated from, as well as an information sheet about myself, and about Stafford Tarot.

Gift Certificates


Give the gift of a professional intuitive reading.  Perfect for celebrating any event: birthdays; weddings; graduations; new jobs, retirement; employee appreciation; gift to a teacher; etc. Can be redeemed for in person reading sessions as well as remote reading sessions, or distant readings. 


Stafford Tarot Intuitive Readings from Guelph Ontario main services

Main Services Offered:

The messages within await

Stafford Tarot Intuitive Readings from Guelph Ontario and servicing the surrounding area

Psychic Mediumship

$50 per 30 Minute

During a mediumship reading session with me, there is no expectation to share any information beforehand, no need to bring any objects, nor pictures with you, etc.  We will quickly meet, i will explain what it is that I do, and then I will take a moment to connect with the energies around you.  Whilst requesting confirmations through out, I will interpret the messages that come through. Once validated, questions can be asked. Tarot cards may also be used as a communication tool. Quite often the messages wont make sense to me. However, make absolute sense to the sitter of my readings.  Messages are often what is seemingly needed to be delivered through the associations we hold of our past loved ones.

Stafford Tarot Intuitive Readings from Guelph Ontario and servicing the surrounding area

Tarot Readings

$25 per 15 Minutes

Very large spreads, such as a full year analyzation, or multiple readings in one session usually require at least an hour ($100).  Sessions are typically a half hour in length ($50).  During a 30 minute reading I typically will do a one card draw which gives me an impression and energy at the moment and then I can do a 9+ card spread full reading which can either be general or can be based on a particular question or topic if you so choose.  I have multiple spreads that I can suggest depending on the querent or question.  There are many Oracle decks available that can refine the reading if helpful.  I can also do a shorter 15 minute session ($25) usually a general 3 cards pull and then expanding further with oracles.

 Or, I also offer just a quick one card impression pull ($5).

Stafford Tarot Intuitive Readings from Guelph Ontario and servicing the surrounding area

Events, Groups, or Parties

$100/hr (prorated to 15 minute intervals)

During an event, I can bring my own tarot reading table (2.5' x 2.5' fold up table) on which I will set my crystal ball and several tarot and oracle decks, and some other divination tools. If outdoors, I can setup my own small 6' x 6' tent as seen in the picture and to make individual sessions a bit more private, if necessary. 


Several decks can be used for multiple trans-dimensional tarot readings to do collaborative group sessions, conjoint couple sessions, as well as individual sessions.  I also offer oracles such as charm readings, rune castings, and other divination tools.  Group Psychic Mediumship sessions can be booked separate to tarot readings.  Please feel free to contact me if there are any questions.

(All prices mentioned are CAD)

Additional fees may be involved if is necessary to traveling more than 60 KM from Guelph ON, in distance ($0.25/KM per each way [there and back]).  Where in person is not possible, readings can take place over video chat platforms such as Zoom Video Conferencing, or another of your choice.  There are also distant remote service options available - See below for details.  Please contact me for questions. 

Stafford Tarot Intuitive Readings in Guelph Ontario and surrounding areas

Individual Services

Stafford Tarot Intuitive Readings in Guelph Ontario and surrounding areas

Group Services

Stafford Tarot Intuitive Readings in Guelph Ontario and surrounding areas

Remote Services


$25 for a short reading session with either tarot, runes, charms, or other quick divination technique.  (~15 minutes)

$50 for a full tarot reading session (~30 minutes)

$100 for mixed or multiple reading sessions (~1 hour)

Stafford Tarot Intuitive Readings in Guelph Ontario and surrounding areas

Thank you!!!

Have you had a reading recently?

What was your impression?  How was your experience?  Please feel free to tell me how you felt your reading went. I really appriciate your feedback.

Stafford Tarot can also be found on...

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Mobile Phone

The Stafford Tarot App

The app provides a convenient way for visitors to access the information in the blog from a smart phone or mobile device. There are a variety of categories including shadow work exercises, tarot reading tips, beginner lessons to learn tarot for free, prerecorded live broadcast events that feature example readings, and more!  All in one place without having to load a web browser, visit the website and search for the relevant blog entry, Etc.  The app organizes the blogs into categories and topics for easier finding and access for your convenience.

Other Recommendations
(Friends of Stafford Tarot)

Below is some information about other helpful websites, including my favourite local supply shop.

I strongly believe in supporting local businesses as well as other practitioners. We can all support each other.

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Luna Events Canada

Luna Events Canada specializes in unique witchy, metaphysical and holistic markets. Our intention is to create awareness within the community for small, local businesses to help them shine their light. Luna Events creates markets filled with love, light and healing energy, with the intention to help everyone to vibrate higher.


Soul Intention

The Soul Intention location in Guelph Ontario is a wonderful new holistic healing shop.  It's being filled like a treasure trove of gems, stones, minerals, fossils, tarot cards, oracles, and many other wonderful items and supplies, as well as diverse products from many local artisans. The owners are extremely friendly and eager to help, so feel free to check them out at 497 Woolwich St., Unit 6, in Guelph ON. 

Uniquely Pure, Friend of Stafford Tarot Intuitive Readings

Uniquely Pure

Uniquely Pure is a place to connect, unwind and flourish, through a handmade line of aromatherapy & culinary products, holistic massage therapies, bach flower consultations and remedies, yoga classes, and an AirBnb getaway.
As a travelling free spirit, Kelly (owner) has always loved the small, special and undiscovered home-based businesses that offered a safe space. This deeply inspired her to recreate that feeling for all Uniquely Pure’s clients.

Old Soul Project - Friend of Stafford Tarot Intuitive Readings

Old Soul Project

Personally, I've use these bead bracelets to focus my mindset and intention, as well as to strengthen the fingers of my hands due to an arthritic condition that I live with.  See how they can help you!  I definitely recommend checking out the Old Soul Project. Born from purpose, old soul project was created to help individuals through the promotion of physical, mental & spiritual health by utilizing the unforeseen powers of old soul bracelets, story telling and one another. 

Galaxy Teas - Friend of Stafford Tarot Intuitive Readings

Galaxy Teas

Galaxy Teas began as a passion project for founder and exploratory tea merchant, Robert Williams after tragic health situations forced him to take perspective on his life and the legacies he would leave behind should the unthinkable truly happen.  I personally use his English Breakfast blend for my tea leaf readings.

True Beings of Light Intuitive - Friend of Stafford Tarot Intuitive ReadingsHealing

True Beings Of Light Intuitive Healing

 “Emotion is about Energy in Motion”
Melissa Downard is the spiritual force behind True Beings of Light Intuitive Healing. Melissa combines her knowledge of the medical world with several modalities of energy healing in an innovative holistic approach. Melissa is highly empathic, using her natural sympathetic nature to tap into the spiritual world to help with her healing treatments.

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The Sacremyst Academy

The goal is to help people find purpose in their lives and reach their very highest potential through self knowledge.  By adapting ancient methods of the Mystery Schools to people of the modern day, they are confident of their time-tested methods.  Being a place for the growth and actualization of the individual and therefor the community, other talents such as initiatives, other healers, counsellors, financial advisors, craft-makers, musicians, etc. are also welcome!

The 9th Vibration - Friend of Stafford Tarot Intuitive Readings

9th Vibration - Hermit Numerologist

The 9th Vibration store has since closed.  Keep watch for new remote services coming soon as well as featuring regular guests and tarot readers which I'd totally recommend as they can offer a variety of different techniques and other perspectives. Check out their social media for details! 

Ask a Grey Witch - Friend of Stafford Tarot Intuitive Readings

Ask a Grey Witch

The purpose of the webpage is to share the perspective with others of a male practitioner of balancing energy. Quite often offering guidance, answering questions, providing information and giving advice to other practitioners. It is the hope that by answering submitted questions, the blogs and videos create allow the sharing of knowledge and a magickal perspective conveniently and in a way that's understandable and helpful to others. Please feel free to submit your questions regarding magickal practices. 

The Sacred Meadow Circle empowerment group and coven - Friends of Stafford Tarot Intuitive Readings

Sacred Meadow Circle

This online international and in-person diverse assortment of magickal practitioners support each other in their discovery and learning within their own independant and personal practices.  Anyone can participate! There is no requirement other than looking for help or support in setting up a meaningful practice for yourself. 

Stafford Tarot Intuitive Readings from Guelph ON is thankful for visitors!

Contact Me

Are you looking for a new perspective, or perhaps would like to receive a confirmation your life is on the right track, or maybe you have a question? Whatever the reason may be, I may be able to offer assistance.  

Name:    Bryan Stafford
Phone:   5 1 9 - 8 3 5 - 1 7 4 9 

Please feel free to send me your questions or let me know if you'd like to schedule a reading with me by filling out and submit the form. Please provide your name, email address and a brief message. Only include additional contact information that you are comfortable sharing. Only fields marked with a star '*' are mandatory.  Alternatively, you can send email to 
Either way, I try to respond from email within 24 - 48  hours.  

Stafford Tarot Intuitive Readings in Guelph ON and surrounding areas
Stafford Tarot Intuitive Readings in Guelph Ontario and surrounding areas


Please be advised that the information received during reading sessions do not substitute for medical or professional advice and is meant for personal self reflection.  Readings do not involve fortune-telling or predicting the future. Instead, it's a guidance tool that works with intuition to help solve problems by looking at potential outcomes. For this reason, reading sessions are considered as entertainment.  Please see my Terms of Service at: for more details.

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