Intuitive Mediumship Reading Session
Mediumship sessions are usually about 30 miutes in length. During a mediumship reading session with me, there is no expectation to share any information beforehand, no need to bring any objects, nor pictures with you, etc. We will simply meet, i will explain what it is that I do, and then I will take a moment to connect with the energies and spirits around you. While requesting confirmations through out, I will try to connect with and interpret the messages that come through. Once validated, questions can be asked. Tarot cards may also be used as a comunication tool. The messages may not sense to me. However, make absolute sense to the sitter of my readings. Messages are often what is needed to be delivered by the spirit themselves.
To request a longer session (1 hour) please place a 2 in the quantity.
In-Person Services
In person reading sessions can take place at local Markets, Festivals, and Events where Stafford Tarot is attending as a vendor, or at a pre-arranged location, such as a home, business place, or other location of your choice. Where in person is not possible, there are remote or distant services also available.